Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Acne Treatment 101

If you have acne, you probably have tried many over the counter acne medication for that. But sometimes you need something stronger. There is a class of drugs called retinoids, which are derived from vitamin A. Tretinoin is a part of this group of drugs. Tr�tino�ne is the active ingredient in many medicines, including Retin A. If your doctor thinks Retin A can help your acne, you get a prescription for her. It comes in different forms, such as gel or cream. It also comes in different strengths.

When you first start using Retin-A, your skin can get red and irritated. It can sting and warm and tingly. It can burn or itch. He feels dry and it will peel. It may also actually look as if acne worse. But over a period of time, usually a few weeks, your skin will adapt, and hopefully improve. Tretinoids such as Retin-A work by unplugging the pores. This eliminates one of the things that can cause buttons, zits, blemishes and blackheads we associate with acne. It may also enable other drugs to work better.

Retin-A is not the only drug with tretinoin for acne. Others are adapalene (Differin), and tazarotene (Tazorac)

You must follow your doctor's advice on how to use Retin A. You can be informed of the finely applied once a day, for example, before they go to bed. Clean your first before applying. But, unless the doctor say otherwise, you should avoid harsh cleansers or astringent. You can apply the Retin-A with your fingers, if you wash your hands afterwards. Or you can apply it with a gauze.

When using Retin A, make sure that you use a sunblock or sunscreen with a high SPF. It is also important to call your doctor if you think redness and peeling is excessive. Your doctor may advise you to use a lower strength of Retin A. Or you can learn to use less frequently. For example, instead of applying it every night, you can use it every other night.

It is also important not to apply anything to your face, which will become even more dry. Avoid rubbing your face when you wash, which hurts even more. If you are pregnant or suspect that you are pregnant, if you are trying to get pregnant or breast-feeding, talk to your doctor before taking account of acne medications. As with any medication, you need to store Retin-A, in a cupboard out of the reach of children, where he will also be out of the sunlight and heat, and away from excessive humidity.

Information here at